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What Is The Big R For Marketing Your Business ?

What Is The Big R For Marketing Your Business ?

Successful businesses have many things in common, today will look at the big Rof recognition and how a digital marketing network may help.

Recognition can be illustrated by two individuals entering a crowded room at a party. Both walk to the far side of the room, and one of them slips through the crowd easily and unnoticed as they reach the far side. The second person takes much longer to reach the far side because they are engaged in conversations along the way as they continue to meet acquaintances and friends during their path. Which type of person would you like to model your business after?

Your business is in a continual battle for your customer’s recognition whether you know it or not. If you happen to be fortunate enough to be in a marketplace with very few competitors, that will not last for long. You need your business to be at the forefront of your client’s minds so that when they require your products or services, you are the go-to people.

Marketing your business is a necessity.

Putting your name and logo out there and keeping it there is a must. This lets clients know that you are still around and in business. Frequency is a good way to achieve the stand-out factor in recognition. I am reminded of both television and radio ads I had heard of in the past. They run continually with a catchphrase or musical jingle over and over again on the radio or television until you are absolutely sick of hearing it. You also cannot get it out of your head. Although this type of advertising is expensive, it can be very effective, and the recognition factor is quite high. Television and radio can reach a large audience, and they are broad in their appeal. In a brief sentence, you are paying to market to both those that are your potential customers and a large segment of those who are not now and probably never will be your customers.

There are more economical ways to pursue frequency, the point is to define your target market demographic, and invest your marketing funds into the locations that will best be seen by them.

Another factor to consider is whether can I market myself in a place where I will stand out from my competition, or where my competition does not have a presence. Why would you market yourself in a flyer or newspaper right beside your competition and risk blending into a crowd, and ultimately being ignored?

Another issue to look at is diversification. As the saying goes, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. When you look at your advertising budget for the year, try to find affordable solutions that will continue to reap during the full year of your advertising budget. An expensive radio or television promotion may give short-term gains for that weekend sale, but what about the rest of the year? Your clients may end up with the impression of where did they go, I haven’t seen or heard anything about them for so long.

Don’t always look for the old standbys in marketing, but keep your eyes and ears open for the latest and greatest ways to market your business. With the costs of technology coming down dramatically new options such as digital advertising on LCD and Plasma screens are becoming more and more affordable, and paper billboards and posters becoming a thing of the past. With the flexibility and curb appeal of full color and motion video footage with computer-generated graphics available to you, this is an option you don’t want to pass by without a good look.

Ultimately, recognition is required if you want to get people in the door of your business (or on your website for the new e-businesses). This is going to cost you money, time, and effort up front any way that you look at it, but if you have successfully reached your target market, the payoffs will be worth it.

Continue reading: Characteristics of a successful advertisement

Why viral marketing is sooo important!

Why viral marketing is sooo important!

Leverage On Other Peoples List

Internet marketing gurus always talk about building your mailing list. Mailing lists are important because it is true that money is always in the list.

Most of the time, some Internet marketers will beg other marketers (especially those with a bigger list size) to promote their products, do an ad swap or help them to build their own lists in general.

But what if, instead of relying on YOUR OWN LIST, you can LEVERAGE on other people’s lists?

You see, in Internet marketing, there is always someone who has a bigger list size than you. These people will always want to sell products.
If you can create products (such as master resell rights or no restriction private label rights products) and give them the rights to sell YOUR products with YOUR ads in it, you will be getting constant advertising for FREE and people are doing it WILLINGLY for you!

After all, when you promote a product to your list, it is still limited in the sense that you can only mail your list once or twice, but having your products being promoted all over the Internet, will take the burden off the lists and give you additional streams of income.

The Power Of Exponential Growth

Many people neglect the power of viral marketing because they have this misconception that it yields very little at the start. They feel that they would rather promote their products by themselves rather than share the product with other resellers.

The same applies to blog posts. (See the chapter on blogs and themes below).

Let’s do a little math.

Would you rather make $100,000 a month or make build a campaign that doubles in revenue starting at $0.01 a day for every next day?

1 2 4 8 16 64 128 256 MILLIONS!

The power of exponential growth tells us that you will become a millionaire after almost 30 days! (2 to the power of 30!!!)

Do you see the power of viral marketing?

Whether you are getting one new subscriber a day or one sale a day, you will be able to generate lots of traffic just by viral marketing alone!

Now to be realistic, even with the UNLIMITED growth potential on the Internet, there will come a time when there is a saturation point. But it still doesn’t dispute the fact that there are millions of customers (and many resellers) that will market for you and expand your efforts FOR YOU!

It is always a good idea to build several viral marketing channels. That way, even when your viral campaign starts to slow down (due to saturation), you will still be able to leverage many channels and build your list or your affiliate commissions.

In future articles, I will explore a few tools, both free and paid that will enable you to build several viral campaigns and watch as traffic beats a path to your virtual doorstep!

Your consumers may know more about your competitors than you do!

Your consumers may know more about your competitors than you do!

It wasn’t long ago that consumers had a limited selection of companies that they could choose to deal with. This was often dictated by geographical boundaries, how much or what type of advertising was used, and specific needs. That isn’t the case anymore. Thanks to the internet and the declining cost to advertise through a growing number of mediums, companies are able to compete on a national and sometimes even global scale. Gone are the days of being the only video store or travel agent in town. Now all a consumer has to do is spend a few minutes signing up at Netflix or browsing Travelocity from the comfort of their home or office.

Some companies are making it easier for consumers to get what they want, how they want it, when they want it, adding a certain level of transparency to their respective industries. A consumer doing their research is probably going to know more about how you stack up against your competitors than you do most of the time. If you’re concerned about this, it may be because you aren’t doing everything you can to provide the best possible service or product to justify the price you’re charging. It could also be because you don’t know enough about your competitors and their business practices.

Rather than looking at this new playing field in a negative light, you can use it to your advantage. Consumers can quickly compare your product, service, and price to most or all of your competitors – often in a matter of hours if not less, but you can do the exact same thing! By keeping tabs on what your competitors are doing you will be more competitive because you are proactive. You’ll be keeping them reacting to what you are doing rather than the other way around.

Are you ready to start competing on a new level? Set aside some time and do your homework. Learn as much as you can about your three biggest competitors and then stay one step ahead of them. You’ll be surprised how much your profits increase! There are tools you can use to spy on your competitors.


3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes and Beat your Competitors

3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes and Beat your Competitors

How many times has your competitor gotten one over on you? The feeling of being left behind just eats away, until you do something about it. The problem is that we often feel that we’ve got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again and outsmart our competitors. Don’t be fooled! Getting back on top of the market isn’t as tough as it seems with these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.

1. The Magic Number – 1
Implement a “advertise 1 item at a time” motto for your advertising strategy. Does that mean you can’t SELL more than one item at a time? No… but wait until AFTER the sale.

When a customer sees more than one of a product offered at unbelievably low prices, he’s confused. Which one is the better deal? Which one does he prefer? These questions encourage procrastination – one of marketing’s greatest thieves. Instead, offer the consumer a product that compliments his purchase in a nearby display… or even at the register. You’ll make extra profits instead of losing a sale.

2. Outsmart Your Competitors
Your competition is looking for you in all of the usual places. Don’t go there. Quietly look for new methods of advertising and new markets to target.

Niche markets provide the perfect sneak tactic for reaching new clients. Here’s the key… sub-divide your current market into smaller, more specific niche markets. Familiarize yourself with the needs and concerns of the niche, then present yourself as the pro in their corner. Leave your competition in the dust with the intensity of new prospects that will come your way.

Modernize an old marketing technique that still carries a wallop – postcards. Yeah, these small, inexpensive marketing tools still carry a personal message that is quick and easy to read but with new high-impact colors and designs that capture the attention of readers. Your competition won’t even know that you’re using them!

3. Encourage Communication
Communication is crucial to understanding your consumers. Encourage questions before the sale, during the sale, and after the sale. Make it easy and comfortable.

Provide convenient contact information on all of your sales materials, including Websites. If you find yourself overloaded with questions, create a frequently asked question page where clients can get the answers they need without claiming as much of your time.

Confused customers, tough competitors, and communication mishaps won’t steal profits from your account when you fix things up with the 3 quick tips.

Book a free Marketing Strategy session to have a step by step blueprint on creating high impact campaigns

6 Powerful Tips To Creating Testimonials That Sell Your Products Fast

6 Powerful Tips To Creating Testimonials That Sell Your Products Fast

There are many ways to market a product or a service and providing potential clients and customers with testimonials is one of the best ways to market.

Its power can never be underestimated. People, especially nowadays, will only purchase products or avail services which have been referred to them by people whom they know. But most of the times, this is not an option that is in the hands of the business owner, he has to do the next best thing, which is to get testimonials from his past clients.

They are living statements from past customers or clients which states that they were satisfied by the product/ service. Every business must have them to be able to stand out in the ever-crowded markets.

There are many benefits to having them here are some of them:

They appease the target market

They usually lessen the doubts of the target market. There are a lot of scammers and con artists nowadays, and this has turned the market into a fearsome one. Credible testimonials provide security to the people who are eyeing a certain product or service. The provision of them gives people a much more relaxed attitude towards a product or service

They assure quality

Aside from confirming the existence of a business and lessening doubts, they provide assurance to potential customers and clients of the quality of the product or service. The fact that they took time out to be able to write testimonials about the product reflect their levels of satisfaction towards the product/service.

They give advantage

Credible testimonials provide a competitive advantage for the product/service. There are many products and services out there and one of the ways to stand out from the rest is the use of credible testimonials.

There are many types of testimonials. Testimonials are usually categorized according to the source. Here are a few examples:

a) Testimonials from satisfied customers

This is probably the most effective type of testimonial. Nothing beats one from a satisfied customer because it is a picture of what the product/service is about.

b) Testimonials from experts

Experts can be credible sources of testimonials. If a renowned dermatologist writes a testimonial for a beauty soap, it will surely help in boosting its sales, wouldn’t it?

c) Testimonials from celebrities

In a world that is run by mass media, celebrities have become powerful sources of testimonials. Today, even infomercials are infested by testimonials from celebrities.

People may think getting them from celebrities will cost a lot, but if it’s a real testimonial, celebrities may even waive their talent fees.

There is much more to making a testimonial an effective tool for marketing than gathering them. Good testimonials are the ones that can be compressed into a few catchy words. “I lost 20 pounds in two weeks’ time!” is an example of an eye-catching testimonial. However, one must never rephrase or edit what the client had said. How to get the right kinds of testimonials will be discussed later.

Credible testimonials should also contain the complete attributes of the people who gave them. Their titles, location, and age should be included whenever possible.

Visual appeal will also be a great help in using testimonials. If the clients are willing, one must insist on taking photographs or videos for their testimonials.

So how does a business owner get started with the whole testimonial thing?

Here are some steps on how to archive testimonials.

1. Before anything else, only products/ services with outstanding quality deserve it, so one must make sure that his product/service possesses exceptional quality.

2. Ask for the help of your customers. One must be able to communicate to his customers his need of getting their testimonials. If they are really satisfied with the product/service, they would be more than willing to participate.

3. Interview your customers. Ask them about what they like about your product/service, why they chose your product, and other questions like these.

4. Ask them if they are willing to make a written one. You can offer to make it yourself based on their responses during the interview but it is still up for their approval. You might want to make the wordings catchy and let them approve it.

5. Ask them if you could record it using a tape recorder or video cam. A video testimonial is better, but of course, many people are camera-shy and this can be a limited option for most.

6. Choose the best testimonials. Use the best ones so as to maximize the benefits that your product can get from them.

They are very powerful and this is the reason why every business should have them. They provide assurance and security and reflect the real essence of a product or a service.